Queues and groups


When Staple AI processes documents, it is done in “Queues”. Queues are a set of documents that are organized by the user according to some property. Each user may create and name queues in a manner they feel most comfortable. It is up to the user to decide how they would like to name and organize each queue. For example:

  • All documents in a queue may be invoices owed by a specific company
  • All documents in another queue may be some text
    • bank statements
    • receipts for accounts payable
    • ID cards in a specific branch
    • EVN bills in a specific location

Each queue is restricted to be of one document type. So for example MRC cards and VIDs should not be mixed into a single queue.


Groups are simply ways to organize multiple queues and are helpful to keep things organized. This is especially useful if using the system to sort documents from multiple inputs and into multiple different outputs.

Creating a Queue:

To create a group or a queue you may simply click the “New Queue” button, seen in the top left of the screen.

You should then enter the following details, as a minimum, when creating a new queue:

  • Choose the name of the queue. This is a description of the queue. This may be changed later if required. Queue names are not required to be unique, although this is certainly recommended.
  • Choose the model type. There are two options to choose from which are Predefined Model and Custom Model. The Predefined Models are the various model types based on the documents in the queue. Staple offers custom model design so that it can be tailor made to the users requirements. While creating a queue the appropriate option should be chosen to get the desired result. See section Custom model for more information.
  • Choose the Document type. Based on the selected model, you can specify what kind of document they wish to process.
  • Choose the Account type. After completing the above-mentioned sections you will get a dropdown according to the previously given information for this tab. For example, if we have an invoice the dropdown will show three options namely, Not applicable, Payable and Receivable. This will help characterize the documents.
  • Choose the language. You can choose the language to format the documents in the queue.
  • Choose the group to add the queue to (or create a new group). For some cases, it may be useful to define the “Supplier Name” or “Company Name”. For example - if all documents in a queue will be invoices issued from a single supplier, the Supplier name can be defined. If they are all invoices issued to a single Company, the company name may be defined. These fields are not required, but will improve the accuracy of the data capture of addresses in the documents in this queue.

Other fields mentioned are:

  • Supplier Name. This field is for the company supplier that these invoice/s correspond to.
  • Customer Name. Here, users can mention the customer name related to the documents.

Status of queues

In each queue there are three (3) status;

The difference between the queues is as follows:

  • Received - After a document is uploaded, it will move to the Received status. The user will have the opportunity to edit the extraction. Here, the file is not ready for the data to be exported. To do so the user has to move the document to Completed status. Various columns provide information about the documents and can be sorted accordingly. See section Editing documents for more information.
  • Completed - After a document has been checked it is moved to the Completed **status. All documents in this status should have been automatically or semi-automatically marked as 100% correct, and data is ready to be exported. See section Marking a document as complete for more information.
  • Exported - After data has been exported, the document moves to Exported. Exported shows what data was exported, when it was exported, by which user, and to what destination. See section Exporting data for more information.
  • Failed to Export- While exporting any document, if the server encounters any errors, that document is moved to the “Failed to Export” tab. This tab holds all the documents that due to some reason were not exported. The table of documents has a column that specifies the error that occurred while exporting the document.
  • Rejected- This tab houses all the documents that were rejected by users. The table of documents has a queue which specifies the reason for rejecting a document.

The goal of the queue system is to move documents across, from left to right, and to ensure that document data is exported. The system is not meant to be a document store - but a method for quickly extracting data and pushing it towards its desired destination.  Documents should not be left idle in the system for extended periods of time. Undesirable documents may simply be removed from the interface using the “Remove” option when selecting a document.

Editing a Queue

Users can edit the details of a queue after it has been created, by selecting the queue and adjusting details accordingly

How to restrict users to queues? 

Other users on the account can also be invited to view the queue, by clicking on the Users button present to the right side of the Integrations button. Collaborators that the user wishes to add must have already been invited to the account in the “Team Members” page. 

Deleting a Queue

A created queue can be deleted simply by clicking on the “Remove queue” option which appears after clicking on the three dots alongside the queue name.





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